

Latest example of the on going projects:

Construction of a solar powered water hole pump in the village of Agbovipe near Badagry in the southwestern part of Nigeria.

A joint project with Soned, Wagner & Co. Solartechnik Cölbe, Adunni- Susanne Wenger Foundation (ASWF), financially supported by the foundation "Umverteilen! Für eine solidarische Welt" (Germany)

In 2006, the company Wagner & Co. Solartechnik Cölbe donated the powerful pump and the solar panels for the project to be under taken.The local co-ordinators Adunni- Susanne Wenger Foundation (ASWF) were the main brain behind the project in the country. The water is pumped into the tank above. During bad weather or in the evenings it can be used through to the Tap.

In the beginning of October two members of Soned flew to Nigeria. They had with them the pump and the solarmodul. Solarstation Nigeria Ltd. were ordered to penetrate a hole into the earth and also to construct the small pumphouse The workers of the Solarstation Nigeria Ltd. Installed the pump to a depth of about. 7,50 meters deep, fixed the Solarmodul on the roof of the pumphouse. The pump is able to pump 6000 L of clean water daily for over 200 people. The Solarstation Nigeria Ltd. Is responciable for the mantainces and also the good functioning of the solar pump.

The laying of the tubes and also the building of the pumphouse were done by the local installers and maison.

The main problem in the beginning was:

the insufficent supply of water for the village inhabitance . Normally wells were 4 meters deep and were protected by a concreat block . The water in the well is connected with the near by swampy area. You find the water polluted by particles and it gets very worse in the raining seasons. During the dry seasons the water level reduces so much that, there is no water to draw out. The wells are not covered, therfore dust easily gets into the water.

A resolution to this problem is to bore a deeper hole for the well and use a pump to bring the water above.

There was a workshop held for 15 people to teach them the importants and also how to use solar technics in different ways.

On the 10.10.2006 the hole System was inogurated by the traditional chiefs the inhabitants of the village. Also presence was the press and other nigierian Companies as well. For the presentation of the system to be given to the locals.